Saturday, March 12, 2011

Crisis in Japan

Would you be able to consider making some donation to save people in Japan?

Red Cross

As you know, huge earthquakes have been hitting Japan since March 10th. The first biggest one caused devastating tsunami, over 30 feet hight, and more than 5 cities along the cost lines were completely swept away. Currently around 1,000 people's death toll was reported, however the number will increase as over 10,000 people in a city are still missing. In addition, there are some more cities that people cannot get contact.

There are two major nuclear plants in the affected area. The first nuclear plant has six reactors and one of them has started nuclear melt down due to malfunction of emergency backup equipment. The other reactors are also in critical situation. Strong radioactive materials are being detected within 10 km from the nuclear plant. The radioactive exposure causes leukemia in human body, and moreover, the affected area will be contaminated at least 50 years.

As you know, Japan is a small country and there is no natural resources. So we had to chose nuclear power to obtain electricity.

Here are some website about the damages by tsunami.

I really, really appreciate your consideration on donation.

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