Friday, November 26, 2010

Embryo development

My pearl scale goldfish spawned eggs on the day of full moon and now the embryos are developing. Clumps of the eggs were pulled apart the next day of spawning. Individual eggs is daily checked and bad ones (white color) are removed growing of fungus. The pic is 3 days post fertilization.

Water temperature: 18-20 oC
Diet: Hikari Goldfish Gold
Spawning: 11.23.2010
Eggs: About 150
Fish tank: Size 10 (10 gallons tank?)

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Consortium for the Barcode of Life

Barcode of Life: 種のバーコード。

上記団体のパンフレット (pdf)

Next meeting will be on March 23-24, 2011

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Turkey Trot

I ran 10k for Turkey Trot yesterday. It's running competition and our records are uploaded on the internet. My record was 50 min 41 sec, 257 th out of 1,046. I'm really glad I still can run 10 k without walking...

Here are my past records. It looks I'm still in good shape, but I feel I'm aging every day, every minute.

昨日はデービスターキートラット(マラソン大会)で10 km走ってきました。記録は50 min 41 secで、1,046人中257位。歩く事無くゴールできて良かったです。


2009: 50 min 34 sec
2008: no entry
2007: 45 min 6 sec, 1 hr 53 min 18 sec (half marathon)
2006: 50 min 15 sec

Friday, November 19, 2010

Gold fish

This is one of my gold fish I have now. It's called "Pearl Scall Goldfish" in English, and "Ping-Pong Pearl" in Japanese. As the name implies, they have round shape body. The way they swim is very cute and they look as if they are "crawling" in water with their pectoral fins. Yes. They are not good at swimming (I'm pretty sure they cannot survive more than a day in wild). Anyway, they are pretty and gorgeous. They got infested with parasites (angulus), but they are recovering. Some of their scales are gone because of that. Hope their scale will re-grow.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


The stock market should ban trading for at least 5 years after buying. People trade their stocks just by news like unemployment rate or something, but that is not investment, just a money game.

Monday, November 15, 2010



Sunday, November 14, 2010

絶滅危惧種 Endangered species


I found a list for endangered species list (above). As of May 21, 2010, 10,801 species are listed in the database. As often discussed, I believe species that cannot adopt the dramatical climate changes due to anthropogenic activities are included in the list. We damage environment even we don't notice. Some chemical compounds added in medicines are discharged from our body and work as endocrine disrupting chemical on aquatic organisms, resulting in significant decline of population. In addition, endocrine disrupting chemicals are also added in detergents, hand soap and shampoo. Let's try not to use those things. We don't really need detergents. Oil on a dish can be rinsed off by hot water. Let's protect fragile environment.


たこ焼きの動画を作ってみました(英語)。Macについてきているソフト(iMovie HD)を使ってみた所、なかなか良い物が出来ました(と思います)。難点は、自分の英語でのナレーション。よかったら見てください。音楽も、ピアノの演奏を録音しました。